Monday, August 11, 2008

Blog rotting already...Another busy week! Gosh! Everyday less than 6 hours of sleep! T.T Due to preparation for national day.. On Friday band did quite alright for parade but not the concert, due to some unforeseen circumstances. Well, what can we do, is over.

Other than busy, I would say this week has not been a very peaceful week either. Lots of up and down. I only want to say, GOD DAMN IT!! It's so frustrating sometimes when miscommunication comes about. This and that, damn it man, whatever! Such a damn week! Hope that next week will have a better one!

Finally, is time for CCA to step down in line of promos coming, damn that. Time will get lesser and lesser, somehow, although the amount of hours per day is the same, 24 hours, no more no less. Band is really getting kind of bored and irritating, and many, many other things, damn that all.. Life is boring I guess. You pretty much follow in a flow, without any options, a vicious cycle, happy, sad, bored, angry, bitter, jealous, hungry and etc. Sometimes you get a little more in this, less in emotions, sometimes happy other times something else. After each cycles, life starts again, literally, like a week has passed, another week will come, blah,blah and blah.. Damn that too..

Anyway, today went out with Cheris the whole day, had walk quite some distance too. I have also borrowed a few books and brought 2 manga from Tenchi. Now going to do homework... Damn it.. Sigh, pardon all my damns... I guess, that's life... =( Hope tomorrow will be a better day~

[Phrase of the day: Life is never a bed of roses, life is a complicated subject!]