Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I really sucks at updating my blog..

My blog will just slide away from my memory and I will procrastinate! LOL

Anyway, I want to talk about friends, in general.. Friends that I in contact with, like the furthest I have in contact (or rather got interactions) with goes back to as far as 12 years ago, or those I only met briefly in an event or whatsoever.. Of course the latter don't give me much to say, but they sometimes give me insights or unexpected delight..

Those friends I still have contact and still wants to stay in contacts forms the basis of my daily life, aside from my family of course. I think all of us have changed since the first time we all met, especially those whose friendship with me are countable by years, may not be physically but definitely mentally..

Some changes are drastic than the others, but whether is it good or not, I will keep the comments to myself, after all, who am I to judge? No one likes to be judge either..

But I certainly do have a question in mind, posted to all my friends:
"Are you truly happy about the change?"
There are many things surrounding the changes, not everyone may support you, but are you satisfied with it? True happiness goes beyond skin deep, other people will judge your appearance because they don't know you.. But they know the superficial side of you and approve on the superficial part of you shows how shallow the relationship is if this is where their interest to know you lies.. And to keep this up because you think this is what makes you "happy" then I think you are lying to yourself, then again you might not be wrong too.. Because been right is overrated, being normal is overrated.. The concept of being right right is honestly, never right..

Right or wrong is dependent on the moral of the society one is subjected to, and the conditions surrounding it.. But most of all, you should be liable to yourself and people around you.. Being right can be overrated, doesn't give you the right to go wrong or deviated purposely..

Time and time again, I will try to do self reflections on what have I done for my goal.. How far off am I? Has my decision or rather my lack of it, cause any drastic changes or anything to people around me? Am I on the right track? Because if I don't do it, no one else is going to plan for me..

I always thought that those people who had their life changing moments during some point in life, will have an eureka moment! But I'm wrong, they got their moments just like us, what they did different is, they chose to put words into actions, real actions, not the half arse kind of action! So I will have to move my ass too..

That's all for now..